Monday, November 5, 2012

Homage to the Shallows, In Full



  1. The transition from the reading into a visual interpretation was, in my opinon, explained Car's point beuatifully while still having it's own distinctive voice from the class. I espically love the first twoand a half minutes, where it explains the process of how the human mind has evolved to grasp conceptualization. The music embodies a child-like curoriosity while the visuals show the transition from that to adulthood. The point was illustrated so well that it gives a artistic appeal to what can be considered a litural and straight image from the reading. The editing and overlaying is amzing to look at, my favorite though being the clip that starts at 3:47. The audieo for some reason has this H.G wells scince fiction quality to me, and the visual reminds me of the novel time machine. Overall, while the reading itself is engaging and intresting to read, the video gives the content of what Carr is saying, it;s own voice in a way. One can argue that it's an extension of the aurthors thoughts but to me it's more reflective of the class interpretation, which carries some meanings and idea's differnt than Carr's. Overall this project was very fun to work on and I love how it turned out.

  2. My favorite transition in the video would be the scanner image used in the first few minutes. It is the lone transition used over the thirty second clip, which sets it apart from the other videos that tend to use multiple transitioning techniques. Its simplicity is quite successful.

    The first video was the most accurate portrayal of the reading, in my opinion. Since that paragraph was chock-full of imagery, it was obviously less of a challenge to convey the author's sentiments through its series of video segments; however, it did so perfectly and was a great start to the whole series.

    Our conglomerate of videos is pretty loyal to the chapter and when reading along, they tend to fit with their designated paragraph very well. The videos match the voice and tone of the author perfectly and transition from light-hearted to factual to his deeper, theoretical ideas pretty seamlessly.

    Great job, y'all!

  3. When we first started this assignment I had a hard time envisioning what the end product would look like. I have never interpreted an assignment like this one. Once the videos where put together I could see the reading come to life. I really enjoyed watching everyone's individual paragraph interpretation's. The ideal to work in three groups to make the transition's flow and fit together was a great. That's when the final work really made sense. Keeping a set time limit really helped in making this video come to life. In the end the video worked together while still allowing to express the individuality of each one's paragraphs. Great assignments and I concur with Emma "great job"!

  4. This was one of my favorite projects that we have done so far this semester. I liked how we were able to take what we saw in our head while reading and make it into an actual video. There were certain paragraphs that classmates created through video that were exactly what I saw happening in my head while reading, but there were others that I definitely didn't think of, but that still hit the paragraph on the head. I thought it was really interesting to see how we were able to take this article and create a short film to represent it. I think everyone did an excellent job. There wasn't a 30 second clip that I saw and didn't like, they were all really good and well represented the paragraph they were portraying.
    My favorite transition had to be the ones in Jenie's video because I really like how she uses videos on top of one another and has the videos playing behind her clock videos. I like how you can see everything that is going on in the videos even though they are layers, and like the use of opacity and the flow of her transitions throughout the video.
    I believe that Erin's video was the best portrayal of her paragraph in the reading. When I read this paragraph and thought about doing it for my video this is what I had in mind and she nailed it. I think that everyone wanted this paragraph and they wanted to see the portrayal of the little kid drawing that Carr opened with and she opened her video with the perfect video to portray this. Out of all of the videos I believe that this one was the most visually loyal to the article. Everyone else did a great job at portraying their paragraphs, but I believe that Erin did the best job with representing every detail in paragraph one.
    Reading and watching the article was definitely different. While reading it I was keeping in mind what I would do with videos to portray each paragraph and when watching it I enjoyed seeing what everyone else had in mind. Personally, I enjoyed watching it more than reading it because I really enjoyed seeing how everyone came up with unique portrayals of each paragraph and how they all came together as one video that actually did a really good job representing the article as a whole. Reading the chapter, one may get more specifics out of it and details. Watching the article one may miss out on those specifics and details because of the way we chose to interpret each paragraph and focus on the main idea of the pargraph we were assigned or only a certain part that jumped out at us.

  5. 1. - Your favorite transition/editing trick in the film.
    I like Pricilla's Editing trick. How the screen was split in half with one video play on one side and another on the other side. I wanted to do something like that, but couldn't figure it out and put it in my video.

    2. - What most struck you visually as loyal to the book/chapter.
    The very first chapter where it talks about children's drawing to architecture. It just flowed really well. From the part where I think Tom Hanks is at the board to the transition of the white board drawing. That part was really cool. Great choice of found videos.

    3. - The separation between reading the chapter and "watching" it.
    If I were to watch the video first, I wouldn't quite get it. Although visually pleasing and engaging, the reading must be read to truly understand the video. It is like adding captions to the film. Since we read before we watched, it was very easy to put it all together. In the end, I like watching than reading. Less work haha.

  6. Initially in the project I was extremely skeptical of the quality of stitching together fragments of films into a franken-film. I was pleasantly surprised and it turned out better than I expected.

    My favorite transition was the piece that flashed pictures of inventions and the name of inventions/date invented. It reminded me of subliminal messaging. I thought it tied into the video very well - (mostly) nobody thinks heavily on living without technology. We are so immersed in it that we take it for granted. Almost as if programmed into our brain.

    In my opinion, the section that focused on the aspect of being late seemed loyal to the part about clocks radically changing our perception of time. Now more than ever, people are in a hurry to do things, stay on a schedule, and fill their agendas.

    For me, the separation between reading and watching was a bit like using the two parts of my brain. The reading was mostly straightforward and put forth a clear idea. On the other hand, the video was a bit like "feeling" your way around a central concept. Almost like a mental puzzle to put all of the edited scenes together into a coherent idea.

  7. I really enjoy the reversing of the paint being spilled out by the small girl at about one minute in. It is a simple editing trick but it really creates a dynamic visual and goes great with the audio.
    Considering that the first paragraph of this chapter really sets up a visual, where as the rest of the paragraphs is more concepts, facts and ideas, I would say that the first paragraph translated into video the best. It stays loyal to the chapter with a few individual flairs that really make it stand out. The video is definitely a more vivid and engaging experience than reading the chapter. Especially for someone like me who is a visual learner. I agree with Stormy when she says that this video reflects more as the class's interpretation of the reading and not a literal translation. I think overall it is a success considering the nature of this assignment!

  8. There were a lot of edits in the video that were effective. My favorite would probably be in the clip where the screen was split. Splitting the screen was a neat way to show various videos at once, and help to better tell what the paragraph was about.

    The first video was the one that struck me as most visually loyal to the chapter. The videos chosen were great and fit well. The child's drawing in the beginning, and how the drawings turned to more advanced drawings by the end of their video worked well to tell what the paragraph was saying. It showed how things change as we grow older.

    I think if someone was to watch the video, some of the meaning of what the video is saying would be lost. If you read the chapter it would make a lot more sense and would be more enjoyable to watch, also less confusing. I really like and enjoyed the finished product, and I believe it was a success in translating the reading into visual form.
