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DUE in class SEPTEMBER 24th.
1.) Your "Audio for Animation" assignment (explained more below).
A. Rendered animation with audio AND video together on
computer in lab. The farthest left one with label "HAL" on it.
Log-in to ART 245. Place in Desktop folder called "Project 3".
B. Rendered animation with audio AND video together
uploaded to video and on blogger, just like project #2.
X.) If you haven't already titled your triptychs
and/or written artist statement for them,
make sure to do so!
X.) In class (September 24) (Week 5) we are going
to designate installation positions for creating
the show in the Project NV gallery for the
Prospectives '12 digital media festival!
[BTW, remember to attend those events
for your write-ups!; e.g. syllabus!]
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Friday, September 21. 1-4PM
Sunday, September 23. 1-4PM
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Note : Both printers in our lab ran out of
ink at the same time the very morning of
Week #4 class. Originally, the plan was to
have you print your own 'images' for the
Prospectives show, but I'll make that my
responsibility/lab's given the circumstances.
There's a chance it may turn into a week 5
class activity as that's when we'll actually
be installing our show in the Project NV gallery.
By the way, here are going to be sizes for that.
Dimensions. Printed to scale/fit on 11" x 17" paper.
Installed in a relative "grid" (for you installers) next
week inside and outside in the hall!
This goes for each individual triptych!
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A S S I G N M E N T 3
"Audio for Animation"
"Showtime (Install Our Show for Prospectives '12)" (Next Week)
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We have arrived at the final leg of the "Photoshop" era in this classroom. You will be making audio (via Garageband as presented solely or any other audio making capability program you can think of/suggest) for your animation piece! You can insert it into your animation via Photoshop! Then export as usual.
This is Garageband. We shall utilize its services
for creating our audio for the assignment.
It has software instruments installed you
can play around with using "Keyboard
Typing" as special filters as well!
By the end of Week 4's class, you should be more than familiar with 'seeing' and 'hearing' this program after a unique in-class activity. In depth explanation of the tools will have occurred in class then and there, dedicating half a class to it! In addition to arriving at the two workshops, should you choose to arrive.
-Open Garageband
-When prompted with a project list/grid, select VOICE (the mic). Save anywhere-any name.
-Note THREE tabs at the bottom right :
**An EYE (for finding loops and special sound FX which are very valuable). The FX tab has tons of sound effects you can use. Or you can be an alchemist and mix together two/three to make ONE unique sound! Subvert parameters of the assignment when you can, in my opinion.
**An "i". And somewhere atop, "Browse and Edit" tabs. You will mainly use "Edit" tab to add filters. Browse will be useful if (should you want to) add a software instrument track to use keyboard typing to play your own music! Or very avant garde like, just "hit" some note.
**Lastly, a MUSIC NOTE. This is a gateway to all the media on your computer that's in the music folder, the movie folder, and iTunes. If you want to edit sound directly TO a video file, you can import video! You can add existing sound files to the bars as well and add filters (via "i".. possibilities).
**You'll often drag files from right to add to the bars. You can adjust the volume with commands on the left tab! To split/cut a bar in the middle on a track, hit Command+T.
**EXPLORE. EXPLORE. EXPLORE. Best things are learned on your own!
**To export your file when done- Go to share on top tab! Export as an .MP3.
**Then add to your Photoshop animation file!
Here is a general workflow.
-Open Garageband
-When prompted with a project list/grid, select VOICE (the mic). Save anywhere-any name.
-Note THREE tabs at the bottom right :
**An EYE (for finding loops and special sound FX which are very valuable). The FX tab has tons of sound effects you can use. Or you can be an alchemist and mix together two/three to make ONE unique sound! Subvert parameters of the assignment when you can, in my opinion.
**An "i". And somewhere atop, "Browse and Edit" tabs. You will mainly use "Edit" tab to add filters. Browse will be useful if (should you want to) add a software instrument track to use keyboard typing to play your own music! Or very avant garde like, just "hit" some note.
**Lastly, a MUSIC NOTE. This is a gateway to all the media on your computer that's in the music folder, the movie folder, and iTunes. If you want to edit sound directly TO a video file, you can import video! You can add existing sound files to the bars as well and add filters (via "i".. possibilities).
**You'll often drag files from right to add to the bars. You can adjust the volume with commands on the left tab! To split/cut a bar in the middle on a track, hit Command+T.
**EXPLORE. EXPLORE. EXPLORE. Best things are learned on your own!
**To export your file when done- Go to share on top tab! Export as an .MP3.
**Then add to your Photoshop animation file!
RE : Step 24 of this CS6 tutorial! This should enable you to be able to insert audio into your existing animation piece (exported from GarageBand or another source) like a cinch. Then export again as usual. Those video bars may look confusing or recognizable. It is the 'other' interface from the Frame Animation option! You can toggle between the two on a tab on the bottom left of Photoshop. Video should be a AV bar icon while frame should be a "[ ] [ ] [ ]" type icon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for certain, you can toggle on the bottom left.
Turn final video into the "Project 3" folder on HAL and embed it on your blog before class September 24.
1. A signature "sound" linking all our animations together on a single reel (as they will be put together in the video). This "sound" will be created/discovered IN CLASS. You will find it out of class by drawing it from the "Project 3" folder on HAL (farthest left computer) once a consensus is discovered amongst the class. I HAVE ALSO MASS EMAILED IT TO YOU. No excuse, you should have it!
2. One sound recorded using a microphone.
** The lab HAS microphones! Ours must be used in the lab. If you have one of your own or can check one out from an alternative source, feel free to use it! You will notice them in use during the in class activity Week 4...
3. A sound appropriated from the internet. No audible MUSIC (meaning, I don't encourage just picking a song and using it... if you wanna use a song, mess it up and show craft!)
4. Same as above.
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There's a good to great chance I may have forgotten something on this blog. Maybe one little detail. I'll leave it up to you to e-mail me any questions!
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